Taqueria Santa Rosa

Mexican food in Santa Rosa

We offer Takeout

See MENU & Order

About Taqueria Santa Rosa

Taqueria Santa Rosa Serving authentic Mexican food in Sonoma county since 1986

Come with us and live an amazing experience, filled with traditions and a lot of flavorS
Winner of the best sauce of the Sonoma County 2009-2010-2011 🌶⁣

Sirviendo autentica comida mexicana en el condado de Sonoma desde 1986
Ven con nosotros y vive una experiencia agradable, llena de tradiciones y mucho sabor
Ganador de la mejor salsa del condado de Sonoma 2009-2010-2011 🌶⁣

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM

NEW! Online ordering

Online ordering NOW enabled for pick-up. Just tell us what you want and we'll prepare it as fast as we can. All orders are manually confirmed by us directly. Find out in real-time when your food is ready. Watch on-screen when your food is ready for pickup.

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